Pinto Bean Brownies?

I definitely have a sweet tooth, but I also really want to eat healthy, and as you have probably come to learn about me, I love healthy-fying recipes to the best of my ability. I did some research and decided to experiment with healthy brownies. My goal was to end up with a product that was tasty, healthy and had a great texture all at once.

While doing the research I learned that black beans actually add a really nice and creamy texture when blended into cake batter, and as you know I’m not scared to put food in weird places… therefore I also added an avocado just to make this recipe that much more crazy.

So what went in these?


  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup oats
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 can of black beans
  • 1 banana
  • 1 half avocado
  • vanilla extract
  • Bake for 25 min at 350 F


Fishy business

(link to youtube video) Cod and Brussel sprouts lunch


Eating fish can sometimes sound a bit unappetizing or boring. Growing up I ate everything but I was always a bit demotivated about dinner when I was told we were having fish… a bit strange cause I really like fish and sushi is the best, but somehow hearing the sentence “were having fish” put me off a bit…

Now I cook fish for myself allll the time, I love red snapper, mackerel,  cod and salmon of course

The other day I decided to make a very simple cod lunch

I started out make a “glaze” for the cod. In this glaze I mixed water, dijon mustard and lemon and I then painted the fish and set it the oven for 15 minutes with a couple of tomatoes

As the fish was in the oven, I was simultaneously sautéing some zucchini, eggplant and onions which would become the base of my dish

It turned out super delicious  and the whole meal was only about 160 calories all together


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Buckwheat Banana Bread Babies

Alright so I like baking… like a lot. I have been baking since I was 3 years old. My first memories of baking includes helping my dad cook up pancakes for Saturday morning brunch and they were oh so delicious. As you can see half of my recipes are pancakes probably due to the reason above…

My signature baking dish is definitely cinnamon rolls tho, I have mastered this recipe and I have been eye balling it since ’05 but they always turn out just right

Lately I haven’t really made a whole lot with wheat but I do bake with buckwheat and oats, almond flour and coconut flour.

I started brainstorming for different recipes the other day and I wanted to create something that was healthy, satisfying and low in calories and of course… most importantly of all – free from refined sugars, flours and similar.

I therefore came up with this recipe which I call Buckwheat Banana Bread

You can either make them in form of muffins or as a loaf… its totally up to you!


For this bread you will need:

  • 2 egg  150 cal
  • 2 bananas 200 calories 
  • 100 gram skyr – 71
  • 1 dl buckwheat 130 calories 
  • 0.5 dl oat flour 100 caloires 
  • 1 tbsp coconut flour 10 calories 
  • 0.5 dl almond 40 calories 
  • 1 teaspoon tahini 30 calories 
  • 1 tbsp plant based butter 30 calories 
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil  117 
  • 1 teaspoon raw cacao powder 
  • *When the recipe is divided by 13, each muffin is a whooping low of 65 calories! img_3572

Afterwards I created a frosting made with dates, raw cacao powder and soy milk!img_3570

“Secret” Recipe 1: Banana Bread

I adore… Banana Bread. Its sweet and savory at the same time, depending on how you prepare it of course. Most people think of Banana Bread as something healthy as it includes “banana” in the title – and it definitely can be if you use the right ingredients, but usually it is loaded with refined sugars, white flour and a ton of butter. One slice of these banana breads can be up to 500 calories per slice… yikes

As you may know I love experimenting in the kitchen, and I thought that I would create a new-and-improved recipe that leaves you satisfied and guilt free 😉

For this recipe you will need: 

2 eggs – 150 cals 

2 bananas – 200 cals 

2 tbsp coconut oil – 235 calories 

2 tsp coco sugar – 30 calories (optional)

1.5 dl buckwheat (60 grams) – 206 calories 

1/2 dl almond (20 grams) – 35 calories 

1 teaspoon coconut flour (5 grams) – 10 calories 

dark chocolate – 20 cals  (optional)

1 teaspoon baking soda and baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla 

Total calories: 886 calories (total weight 400 grams)

Serving size 38 grams = 85 calories per slice

*If cut into 8 slices it will be 110 calories per slice* 


This was so delicious and I had a hard time not downing the entire loaf. To spice it up further in time for fall you could even add pecans, walnuts, pumpkin puree or whatever your heart desires 🙂


I hope you’ll give it a try 🙂


Superfood salad

I love kale! Who doesn’t ?

I discovered my love for kale while living in NY…of course. I think most health conscious people had some sort of obsession or at least interest in kale, and for good reasons too. Kale is super healthy and is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and then it’s pretty low cal. Win!

Another reason why I love kale is because you can use it in so many different ways. You can put it in smoothies or eat it in a salad or make healthy chips with them.

Today I made a salad with avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes and a raspberry balsamic vinaigrette. It was super delicious  and only took 5 min to prepare 🎉



Low cal zoodle dish

I love pasta, but I haven’t eaten it in months cause it simply does not make me feel great. Zucchini on the other hand is one of my favorite vegetables due to it’s versatility. I recently purchased a spiralizer… and let me tell you this thing has really changed the game. I use this all the time! I simply spiralize my zucchini into noodles and bam! Zoodles are born

Next i like to put the raw zoodles in my non stick pan and gently sauté until light brown.

For fillings, I like to create a sauce made from tomato paste, dijon mustard and water – its super healthy and slimming at the same time.


I also mixed in some mushrooms, tomatoes and green beans and made a low fat tahini- water dressing.

It tasted absolutely amazing and this whole plate was only a whooping…140 calories.. but I added some cooked cod which brings the total up to 205 calories.


Savory breakfast pancakes

Ok Ok it may seem like I love pancakes as this is now the third recipe on how-to make different pancakes. I definitely do love pancakes but just as much as I love pancakes I love using my Nutribullet and combing everything in site —  smashing it all up and frying it on my non stick pan.

This week im doing a “sugar” cleanse… not that I eat refined sugar but I do eat fruit, berries and dried fruit a little too often, so this week I’m going cold turkey and not having a single taste of sugar neither refined, processed or natural. I’ve done these sugar cleanses before and I really love how it resets my palette and leaves me reaching for healthier options afterwards.

So for todays crazy recipe I thought I would mix up some different things, and for this I used:

1.5 broccoli floret

1.5 cauliflower floret

1 egg

1 egg white

…and they turned out great!


Vegan Pancakes

Probably the easiest recipe ever!

As mentioned in some of my other posts, I do not like to commit to one specific diet but I eat mostly paleo and sometimes Ill have a full on vegan day… On this particular day I decided to make healthy, guilt free vegan pancakes with three simple ingredients that are most likely in your home already!

You will need

1 banana

3 tablespoons of oats

1 /2 cup almond milk

(add spices to taste, I like cinnamon)


I always cook these in a non stick pan and I therefore do not need to add any oil what so ever!



Working out is a crucial part of my life and I aim to workout about 4-5 times a week and this is on top of walking about 8km a day or biking 15 km (solely for transportation reasons)

I have experimented a lot with different types of workout but I love pilates, yoga, treadmill, elliptical and boxing.

My typical workout routine looks something like this

Warm up:

35-40min cardio either Treadmill or Elliptical

20-25 min pilates

  • 2 x 30 leg lifts while laying on side
  • 2 x 30 knee lifts on side with elastic resistance band
  • 2 x 15 open leg with elastic band

Cool down:

  • 2 minutes in Downward dog pose
  • Stretching

