Current Craving: Coconut Curry Soup

Thai Coconut Curry à la Amalie

Alright…. So I wouldn’t be lying if I told you that I eat this a minimum of three times a week… I know – a bit much you might think? Well first of all, this dish is absolutely amazing and second of all I make sure to make a huge batch in order to have leftovers for the rest of the week.

My good friend Sophie introduced me to this recipe, and I must admit that I was a bit skeptical at first. Don’t get me wrong, I love curry, thai food and anything coconut but the idea of a soup has just always sounded a bit boring to me. However… This recipe is not just a “soup” it is filled with flavor, warmth and amazing spices.

And the best part of it… it takes only 15 minutes to create!




1 can of chickpeas

1 can coconut milk (400ml) (lite or full fat)

1 piece of Garlic

1 inch Ginger

1 Red Onion

1 Bell Pepper

1 Eggplant

1 Zucchini

1 Cup Brown Rice/ Rice Noodles / Soybean Noodles

Fish Sauce

Red Curry Paste (2 teaspoons)


Ground Cumin (2 teaspoons)

Curry Powder (2 teaspoons)

Paprika (2 teaspoons)

Lemon juice (1-2 teaspoons)



Cilantro or Basil





  1. Boil your rice for 35-40 min (Tip: boil it in broth for extra flavor)
  2. Soup part 1:: simmer garlic, ginger, red curry paste and a splash of water
  3. Veggies: in a separate pan dice onion and cook until translucent, add remaining veggies
  4. Soup pt. 2: Add water, bouillon and coconut milk and stir (make sure NOT to bring it to a boil) — add in fish sauce (2-3 tablespoons) and spices – add more spices to taste
  5. Serve! (I usually start with brown rice, then ladder on veggies and then pour the soup
  6. Top with cilantro, crushed peanuts and sriracha

