Energy balls with dates and cacao

Have you also stumbled upon tons of energi ball recipes? Well here is another one for the collection 🙂

These date-energy balls are healthy, delicious and super easy to prepare

You will usually need:

Dates, nuts, coconut oil


FullSizeRender.jpg-2.jpegRecipe: Date energy balls

  • 15 pitted dates
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup nuts of choice
  • 1 tbsp cacao
  • 1 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 1 tbsp protein powder



Chia and Flax Breakfast Rolls

Looking for a tasty homemade breakfast? These Chia-Flax rolls are perfect for breakfast or brunch. They are filled with healthy fibers and the seeds add an additional serving of healthy fats and protein, that keeps you full all morning. You can prepare the dough the night before, and simply pop them in the morning once you wake up. They are also perfect for sandwiches, or simply a quick bite.

However, sometimes if I dont use the dough for rolls, I like to use that same dough recipe for a healthier version of cinnamon rolls. Simply roll the dough out and add the cinnamon roll filling (brown sugar, butter, cardamum and cinnamon.


Serving suggestions:

  • Roll with Almond Butter, banana and chia seeds
  • Roll with olive oil
  • Roll with prosciutto, mozzarella and cherry tomatoes



  • 2.5 dl water
  • 2.5 dl. almond milk (optional)
  • 25g yeast
  • 5 dl whole wheat flour
  • 3 dl dark rye flour
  • 1 tsp. salt 


  1. Combine water, yeast, milk and salt
  2. Add flour
  3. Mix well and kneed the dough thoroughly
  4. Let the dough rest for 1-2 hours
  5. Shape the dough into rolls
  6. Place in oven for 13-16 min at 225*C


Poke Bowl


Even though you would probably assume, that this is a Japanese dish, it actually originates from Hawaii. The name however just gets me thinking about pokemon, and the colors of the dish could easily appear like a Pokemon ball.  This signature dish is an assembled from several ingredients, and the bowl usually consists of the following:

  • Raw fish
  • toasted seaweed
  • edamame beans
  • scallions
  • pineapple/mango
  • avocado

But really, you can put in whatever your heart desires. This meal is not only super simple to assemble, but it is also extremely healthy for you. This bowl is almost like a tuna tartare, except it isn’t drenched in mayo, and the spices used vary a bit.

I created my own poke bowl, and in it I put:

  • Raw salmon
  • Cucumber
  • Shallots
  • Avocado
  • Lemon juice
  • Toasted seaweed
  • Sesame oil
  • Sesame seeds

It was most definitely tasty, and everyone dove in for seconds….

Give it a try, and let me know what you think


My Philosophy on: CLEAN EATING


As you may have noticed, my blog is called EatCleanWithAmalie, and while most of us probably have a notion of what it means to eat clean, a real definition can be tricky to define. If we turn it on the flipside, it would probably be pretty easy for most of us to figure out what is not considered to be clean food. “Dirty food” is anything from junkfood to overly fatty foods, any type of processed foods and of course…sugary foods.

During my five years of living in the United States, I consumed a lot of processed foods as well as unhealthy foods. A majority of the time it was by choice, but the other half of the time it was because it was the only thing available.

At school, our lunch choices were quite limited, and while there was a salad bar,  it wasn’t something that appealed to the majority as it did not look appetizing. It was composed of old and soggy veggies. It was therefore hard for us students to eat healthy while in school, as the options were mostly things like french fries, fried foods and loads of sugary foods. You couldn’t even walk down a hallway without being faced with a vending machine, providing ONLY sugary and overly salty snacks.

We have always eaten quite healthy at my house, and therefore there was a sense of excitement linked to eating unhealthy, as it wasn’t something I got to do a lot at home… but looking back, I am really happy that we rarely had these processed snacks at home, cause I would have had a hard time controlling my intake of these things if they were constantly available to me.


But back to my definition of eating CLEAN. I have learned a lot about nutrition in the past years, and through personal experience I have learned which foods make me feel good, and which foods make me feel absolutely terrible. Although there are loads of different ways you can eat clean, my definition is something along the lines of:

  • Clean eating means to be mindful of what you put into your body, and hereby consuming foods in their whole form and working to eliminate processed, sugary and refined foods from your diet.  
  • Eating organic and grass-fed when possible

After I started taking notice of how I felt whenever I ate overly unhealthy foods, I decided it was time to start eliminating these things from my diet.

Obviously I still have cake, chips and snacks on occasion, but I definitely give it an extra thought before eating these things. But let me remind you that eating clean doesn’t have to mean eating bland and boring foods. I have started experimenting with different recipes and I have found that it is perfectly possible to create a dessert that is satisfying, but with clean ingredients. On my blog I share all of my crazy ideas.

If you want to read more about healthy and clean eating, take a look at this

Happy clean eating everyone!
